The Jester, All Dressed in Red

The Fool and me.jpg
The Jester - Pencil on Paper - 16%22 x 19%22.jpg
The Fool and me.jpg
The Jester - Pencil on Paper - 16%22 x 19%22.jpg

The Jester, All Dressed in Red


The Jester All Dressed in Red

Pen and pencil on Paper

16” x 19”

Frame: Solid rustic wood dyed red

The Jester, the vagabond, the fool. All one-in-the-same, and this meaningful archetype has been honored in many cultures across the world. Every hero begins their journey as a fool, stepping out in the face of uncertainty. The fool knows not what challenges are to come, and this is a blessing in disguise - if we knew what suffering lay in our future, regardless of what potentially life-changing and valuable lessons could result from said suffering, perhaps we would not choose to step forward at all. The fool, immature and naive, with a childlike wonder, and a heady ignorance to the perils of the path in front of them, only starts to develop into the mature, wise hero by taking the necessary steps forward into the unknown.

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